Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Flashback Mode

Another year goes by, another end-of-the-year time is upon us, when all media channels and newspapers put up their self made flashbacks about the year gone , and God save us this year!, the "decade" gone by too!. We have the "Top 10" movies/fashion trends/personalities/tech gizmos/ scientific breakthroughs and even the biggest forgettable moments of the year!. Its instant eye-grabbing "news", splashed across the front pages of newspapers or telecast at prime time on news channels. Its memory recall time for the public. When one reads or watches these things- we wonder- "that happened this year!".. "that movie i liked so much, how come its not on the list?".
Well, im going to make my list too, called "top 5 things i loved about this year" Here goes..

1. Getting my first decent paycheck. Making enough money to live out of. Its about time, i'd say!
2. Learning a whole new subject that is a unexplored dungeon for most other doctors. Oncology is a warehouse that never runs out of new machines rolling into the foyer each day!
3. Getting back to working in the wards after a 8 month hiatus- doing justice to my degrees.
4. Living out of a hotel room for 2 whole weeks!.. in amchi Mumbai!..
5. Being the DINK couple (Double Income No Kids!) and enjoying the togetherness with few responsibilities.

I believe in..

My photo
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than the ones you did.So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Let the trade winds in. Explore. Dream. Enjoy."