Elections 2009.. thats the big news story these days..everyone has taken to election fever. There are stories of scrupulous leaders brewing hatred between communities, calls for debates between national prime-ministerial candidates- rejected quite expectedly by the incumbant candidate, money spinnning schemes by all parties of astronomical sums, frenzied campaigning and formation of new collaborations between erstwhile enemies.
The media is having a field day- in these times od recession- i think it is one of the few industries making profits by the hour. However, the standards of journalism are a real disappointment these days.How in the world can a story be aired as "exclusive" on 10 news channels at the same time? Why does the media devote maximum coverage to the personalities who least deserve it? For instance, the "varun gandhi" saga (I even loathe to say his name)..the media just cant let go of it!. I wonder why we never get to hear discussions about potential policies/new legislation that the different parties are comtemplating? When is the media ever going to put up one on one debates between party spokespersons on "the real issues"- and there are many to that list- electoral reforms/education/reservation/economic policies..? It is always focussed on " peudosecular vs deplorably communal" debates or "is this or that alliance going to make or break the election?" kinda debates. Unbelieveable!
While the politicians play their games and the media continues with its poor quality- no issues coverage, there are a few heart rendering stories too. I am particularly impressed by the social activism growing in India these days. The new age Indian middle class seems to have woken from its slumber and is taking up cudgels with their leaders. Be it criticizing lameback policies on political blogs (which i regard as the biggest step that the leaders have taken to get closer to their electorate) or starting mass media programs to encourage people to vote (JAGO RE!).. these guys are the new faces of emerging India!.I was suprised to know that.. out the 44% of Indians who are educated and socially well off.. only a meagre propotion vote!..its the uneducated 60% that makes up the bulk of the attendence at the ballot (which is the opposite of many developed countries like the US). I sincerely hope that this 40% puts up a better show this time around.
I am also impressed by the emergence of a new breed of professional indepedent candidates around the country..a sign of frustrated souls out to solve the problems of their cities on thier own.
All in all, elections 2009 promises to be quite a showdown. All the opinion polls/ exit polls/ psephological analysis of the results when played out on TV, will have a billion people glued to their TV sets. About a month or so to go..