Thursday, February 26, 2009

Go Green like Miss A

i have a friend- a certain miss A-i've got to say this girl is a complete "go green" freak..she hates plastic, carrys a jute bag where ever she goes (complete with a mini water bottle in it), walks more than drives, uses public transport to get around etc.. u get the picture, dont u? it any suprise that she is a qualified Zoologist! -she's ur WWF (not the wrestling but the less popular wildlife fund)  stuff.. the complete wildlife conservation thing.. wonders if this "go green" campaign is just a hyped warming?is there a distinct possibility that one day (not so far away) that the mega city of mumbai will possibly be submerged?.. sounds improbable nah?
well i used to a non believer..scoffing at the prospects of the "great flood"..(biblical more than scientific, i used to say).. but in reality "the truth is out there"
looking around i can no longer find the greenery that once enveloped our cities, the lakes are drying up, the kids have no place to play (remember those empty streets/sites that were our playgrounds.. where r they now?), traffic has overgrown our roads in monumental propotions bringing with it the smoke/fumes to irritate our lungs.. the list is endless.
we may never be able to give our children the same wonderful environment in which we had grown up in..the damage is irrepairable.. but we can do our little bit from deteriorating miss A..cheers babe!

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