Saturday, April 18, 2009

I was recently talking to a friend about how my partner is never free to go out for a nice holiday.. to which she instantly replied "Maybe you should have a staycation!". "A WHAT?"-I asked her. "Staycations" she promptly informed me were the alternative to expensive holidays in these times of recession, where the family has a vacation in their own city-which invariably is not well visited by the residents of the city in comparision to tourists.
Hmm!..curious to know more such "recession-genic" words.. i did an online search.. and came up with some suprising findings!..

In-sourcing: when workers float through different departments in lieu of temps.

BBR: buy, burn, and return. Buying DVDs or software from a store, burning them, and then returning them for a refund.

Intaxication: euphoria when receiving a tax refund.

Wii bum: a person who has no Wii of their own, so goes over to others' houses largely to play their Wii for free.
Sellsumer: a consumer/entrepreneur who hawks insights and ideas to corporations to help sales.
TALF’d: Tricked into believing something big is going to happen when it doesn’t.

Ponzimonium: describes the recent spike in mini-Madoffs.
Furcation: an unpaid, forced holiday.
Shovel-ready: local infrastructure “ready to go” projects waiting for stimulus money.
Duppie: a downwordly-mobile urban professional. 
Renoviction: when a landlord moves a tenant out during renovations and then jacks up the rent.

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"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than the ones you did.So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Let the trade winds in. Explore. Dream. Enjoy."