A self styled smorgasbord with news and views on pretty much anything under the stratosphere!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Scale down the Security checks!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Life starts at 30?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Social Networking.. boon or bane?

I sometimes wonder if social networking is really a good thing after all.. on the good side it does help to reconnect with ol' friends and it is a easy interface to keep in touch.. but on the flip side .. like everything else about our times, i wonder if it is pressurizing people to look/act/feel a certain way, invading privacy, and making fake projections of people rather than show them in their true light.
Monday, April 26, 2010

April showers!.. what joy !
Life at 30..
Thirty was the age, we as kids and even in our youthful days, perceived as the time when all the fun in life stops, and when the drudgery of everyday routine overcomes you. When kids, career and money become the prime focus of your life. In a way, thats probably true- I don't think I can drive down to the nearest dhabha for lunch on a split second decision anymore or spend a hour each with 3 different guys on the phone discussing their issues with other women! (I have done these and more!).
I don't live on impulse and instinct anymore. But i still feel very young at heart- I feel no different than when i was 21 or 25. I have the same zeal for fun. Its a pity that you are physically young and free for just about a decade in your life. Either the biological clock is ticking or the career bandwagon is waiting for you to climb on quick!. I wish I had another 5 years before the "real 30s" came calling.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Spirited Start to my Day
There is nothing more relaxing than to be able to read the Sunday newspaper in total leisure, without worrying about being late to work or elsewhere.
Reuse, Reduce and Recycle
Plastic has become so ubiquitous that it is hard to live without it. It makes our lives so much easier. Imagine trying to carry water for a long car journey without plastic or buying sterile milk without plastic. Our lives are so encased in plastic that it piling up in monumental proportions in our wastelands and dump-yards.
- Bags clog gutters and sewer grates, causing flooding.
- Bags get caught in trees, fences and other objects, where they become an eyesore.
- Bags kill animals--particularly birds and marine life--when the animals become entangled in the plastic or when they mistake pieces of plastic for food.
Plastic can take hundreds of years to degrade, and can pose risks even when it has degraded into smaller pieces, since these are especially attractive to animals as food. They are also believed to adversely affect landfill operations by interfering with moisture distribution and leachate flow within landfilled waste.
On the other hand, paper bags are currently easier to recycle in most locations, although again, recycling paper requires more energy than recycling plastic. They also break down much more quickly in the environment (in one month vs. 1,000 years, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), eliminating many of the problems of plastic-bag litter.
The bottom line: the best option is to use a reusable cloth bag or other reusable container, and reuse or recycle paper and plastic bags when you do have them.
So right now i'm on a mission to find a good cloth bag for shopping.. but what about all the plastic wrappers around food stuffs.. can be ever do away with that? The solution for that probably lies in using "bioplastics" rather than "petroleum-based plastics" for packaging purposes. But till such technology is made compulsory- perhaps the only we can do is to recycle and reuse plastic bags.Dream on..
Holiday Fever
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Have my Reservations!
Reservations!.. thats the new political mantra in India.. to attract votebanks. Want the muslim population to vote for you.. float a muslim quota in employment and education! Want the vast OBC votebank- make sure your policies are pro- OBC in reservations!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Laughing out Loud!
Mass Message

I watched the much awaited, much hyped "My name is KHHan" or MNIK this week. Must say its is a surprisingly nice film. Unlike his trademark peppy, feel-good films, Karan Johar has managed to pull off a semi-serious film with a message, thanks to good acting over the board.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Modern Day Slavery!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Wasted Efforts
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Health Care Reform
Healthcare in India is an industry in want of good management. The onus of providing this precious service has been divided between the private and public institutions. The public institutions are overburdened, under-financed, and notoriously mismanaged. The private institutions cannot claim to be any better. Although they provide a better work culture, they are famous for over pricing and over-investigating.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Divide and Rule
Remember that ol' British policy that we read in our history books-"Divide and rule"- seems like its no longer history!.. In India today, politicians are clamoring for separate states, divisive policies and vote bank politics.
I believe in..

- Earthcaller
- "Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than the ones you did.So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Let the trade winds in. Explore. Dream. Enjoy."