I sometimes wonder if social networking is really a good thing after all.. on the good side it does help to reconnect with ol' friends and it is a easy interface to keep in touch.. but on the flip side .. like everything else about our times, i wonder if it is pressurizing people to look/act/feel a certain way, invading privacy, and making fake projections of people rather than show them in their true light.
For instance, who hasn't selected their best looking pics to upload on to their profile.. more likely ones that have been digitally modified in some way!. A weekend trip is now a photo shoot for some- just to take cool pics to post on their pages. There is always a constant pressure to "look" or "make a show " of being a" successful" or "cool" personality- and the best part it is not easy to "pretend" to be having a lot of fun/success. A ol' college batchmate- you didn't even bother giving him a second glance while in college- posts a pic of himself standing proudly next to a Merc- and you wonder how in God's name did "he " of all people shoot up the ladder of success so fast! A rather conservative girl from school posts a picture of herself in a revealing outfit-somethin' you could never think you would wear yourself!. Are these all fake?- you question yourself. Sure, people change- but why do they all love exhibiting it online?? This alarming attitude of many social net-workers to weave a blanket of "fun- success- money" around themselves and the pressure on their peers to follow up with the same is troubling.
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