Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Flashback Mode

Another year goes by, another end-of-the-year time is upon us, when all media channels and newspapers put up their self made flashbacks about the year gone , and God save us this year!, the "decade" gone by too!. We have the "Top 10" movies/fashion trends/personalities/tech gizmos/ scientific breakthroughs and even the biggest forgettable moments of the year!. Its instant eye-grabbing "news", splashed across the front pages of newspapers or telecast at prime time on news channels. Its memory recall time for the public. When one reads or watches these things- we wonder- "that happened this year!".. "that movie i liked so much, how come its not on the list?".
Well, im going to make my list too, called "top 5 things i loved about this year" Here goes..

1. Getting my first decent paycheck. Making enough money to live out of. Its about time, i'd say!
2. Learning a whole new subject that is a unexplored dungeon for most other doctors. Oncology is a warehouse that never runs out of new machines rolling into the foyer each day!
3. Getting back to working in the wards after a 8 month hiatus- doing justice to my degrees.
4. Living out of a hotel room for 2 whole weeks!.. in amchi Mumbai!..
5. Being the DINK couple (Double Income No Kids!) and enjoying the togetherness with few responsibilities.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dates Go By..

As the years of our lives fly by, dates of importance to us change as well. For a long time, in fact all my childhood, the day 31st Oct was a very special day for me. It was my "best" friend's birthday. It meant buying an expensive gift for her, spending all day with her, watch movies back-to-back, and perhaps an evening dinner or party. But these days, its like any other day. Its been a few years since i have met my friend. In our life's worries and routines there is hardly any time for ol' friends any more!
I remember one 6th of March, quite some time ago- thats my grandparent's wedding anniversary. I remember when that year, my brother and me, both kids, walked up to a small gift shop in the neighborhood to buy a handy alarm clock for our grandparents. I still have that clock. It needs to be wound up everyday to keep it going. We never celebrated my grandparents anniversary again.
During all my college days, every friend's birthday was a treat indeed. An excuse to party, a reason to hit the theaters or just go out together in our motorcade of bikes and cars to newest restaurant on the block just to chill out. Nowadays, i barely make the effort to scarp them a message online, forget making a call or try meeting them. Its not that i don't care but somehow, the days go by and priorities change.
Every festival was a welcome holiday at home. A time to wear a traditional outfit, decorate the portico with rangoli, help my mother in cooking up the delicacies of the day and in the evening, go out in daddy's car to my grandpa's house to meet the other cousins. Thats a dream now for me. If I am not working on a holiday (which is more often the case than not), I am too exhausted to even cook a regular meal, forget making the traditional feast or decorating the place!
As a kid, summer meant 2 whole months of plain, uncorrupted fun, a gang of 40 friends, a mind boggling array of street games, playing on the roads till the light was too dim to sight the ball or till grandma called you for dinner; now, its just another season, only worse- sweat and grime plus routine!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Curious? .. Phenomenal!

The other day, i saw a phenomenal movie-" The curious Case of Benjamin Button". Its really a movie made with a lot of thought into story and screenplay. Its an out-of-the-box concept movie, set in an era of simplicity. The maker doesn't go into the science behind the hero aging backwards but rather shows it in a light of acceptance and reconciliation with the fact. The news of the "monster baby" makes no media headlines. Everything about the movie is so.. so.. simple. there isn't a better word to describe the times- how one wishes that the present would be that simple!
The story also leaves you with a feeling of some gratitude towards life- a lesson to count one's blessings. How often we take the things in our life for granted!How often we forget our "normalcy" is really a gift in itself!
The lead actor's character in the movie is top class. We get to see more of his matured side, as most of the story is set in his early days. The joy he gets out of "scrapping bird shit"!..his remarkable statements on life itself like "realizing the value of earning money while visiting a brothel!" or "the timed description of the heroine's tryst with fate".. all words worth their weight in gold!
Truely impresssive stuff!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Working with the Right Attitude

Every morning as i park my car in the hospital parking lot, a smiling face greets me with a salute and an enthusiastic "Good Morning Madam!"- the parking lot security man.. an aged gentleman, impeccably dressed in his smart uniform, always sporting a cheerful face and attitude. He has the same smiling face and greeting for all the doctors who come his way and at whatever time of the day it might be. I am always struck by the attitude of this old man. His is a thankless job, bearing the heat and rain, he sits on a tiny curb adjoining the car park, "guarding" the cars. Its a boring job of 8 hours, on most days, with nobody giving his as much as a second glance. Yet this man, never seems bored or tired while on the job. He jumps up to guide any driver while they steer the car back or front, chases after young truants who try to get near the parking lot, and never misses to say a few words of small talk to every doctor through their car window. This simple man with the right attitude towards his job, has left a lasting impression on me.
A job, however small or insignificant, deserves its due attention and when we work with the right attitude, we can accomplish greater goals..

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Mother's Resolve

She was a thin, frail-looking lady with a even more frail-looking son. The boy was struck with an incurable disease. She never gave up on her (only) son, but, ran from pillar to post, spending the last of her salvaged money on his treatment. Her doctors advised her otherwise, but she would not heed to them. She was always there by his side, cleaning up his detritus, shunting food down his feeding pipe, holding him tight while he slept. He was once a talented, alert and active 10 year old, like others his age. But the disease had gotten to him, depriving him of his senses and making a vegetable out of him. Still, she would not let her motherly resolve be diminished by the obvious incurability of the disease. The story doesnt have a dramatic ending one would wish it did, but the mother's love for her dying son was truely remarkable.

My first steps into Oncology

This is the first of a new series of posts that i would like to share- experiences while on the job- in my case, a fledging cancer speacialist. Its a job, not many will be willing to take up- for many reasons- poor patient response, dissatisfaction with treatment, frustration of not being able to do more when you want to, and so on and so forth. But somehow, none of these were reason enough for me to heed to the constant peer pressure to reconsider my decision. To a lay man, an oncologist is not so appealing as say, a cardiologist or a neurologist- now they were people who are literally considered gods!.. so whose an oncologist, i was often asked? "Cancer!.. why do you want to study Cancer?".. people asked me baffled at my choice of a career. But, somehow, somewhere a chord had struck, and i knew that i was destined to make this my calling.
My first few days at the department were nothing short of frustrating. I was so confused"why this? why not that?How do you guys decide the protocols? How will i ever remember the drugs?" Everything was new, unexplored territory. It helped to have a supportive work environment that gave me the time to fall in place.
Well, two months of working in the wards has been satiating. Im beginning to understand how the system works and how to make the decisions we take. Im not claiming to have mastered it, but definitely the whole picture seems less hazy now and more transparent!
Anyway, im at the start of a journey that seems to have more experiences to learn from than learn about..

Im my own responsibity now

Its been a while since my last post.. Reason- been busy mostly. New life/new job/new home and with all of it.. new responsibilities. Its like the older you get.. the less carefree your life becomes. Im my own resposibility now. I need to cook my own food, wash my own clothes, clean my own house, and most of all- earn my own money. Its with mixed feelings that i live my life. Happy about my financial independence and seemingly sucessful career but yet, i miss the time and energy that i had for my own fun- now diverted to my new found "responsibilities".
Two and a half months of this, im beginning to realise the gravity of care that my parents and grandparents did for my sakes. Just the sheer task of waking up everyday at 7 is a huge exercise for me. Thinking back of all the years past, my grandma woke up everyday at 5am regardless , to get us all going!. Making coffee or having a decent breakfast is now a luxary. Its bread and cheese if im lucky!.. and coffee at work (if the vending machine is working!). How i miss that warm cup of chocolate beverage waiting for me everyday on the dining table before i rushed off the school/college..the one that i made such a fuss to drink! Its amazing how life comes a full circle!. Its a wonder how my working mother managed to keep our 6 bedroom/9 bathroom(!) home of 6 persons in a sterile condition , while i struggle to keep my tiny 2 bedroon flat clean!. I cant remember a day when my mom complained (even after a hard day's work), that she was too tired/lazy to cook so "lets go out for a meal".. a phrase i so often use here!.
At the end of a day's work, all i can think of, is climbing into that warm queen's bed, cuddle up under the covers and collapse.
Right now, im trying to adapt to the situation the best i can; turn's out my best is still far away from my mom's worst!

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Longevity Equation: Sex+Sleep=Long Life

Blue Zones..wondering what they are?.. well they are small geographical pockets inhabited by the world's longest lived populations. Here, they tell me, are the maximum number of people over 90, living in one place!.
Scientists think the key to long life might be garnered by the study of these populations.In fact, an extensive study is ongoing to derteminine how these pockets of populations live as long as they do.
Check out this link to know more...

Presently, life expectency in India is 62 years.. slightly more in females than males. A study showed that most health related costs in a person's life are in the last few years of his/her life. A huge amount of money is spent with little respite from the persistent suffering. 
The longeviety quest (as the study is called) is currently focussed on a tiny Greek island of Ikaria.
Here, they believe water from the hot springs might help  relieve joint pains/skin problems.Also, low levels of radon have been detected in the region- making scientists question if low levels of radiation might actually repair damaged DNA! And of course,people here susbide on a Mediterraen diet- which is well known for its health benefits. A locally made honey, drawn by bees from the pollen of thyme, has been attributed anti-oxidant and anti-senility activites!
The best part about the island is the character of the people. Although they have volcanic tempers, they supposedly, quickly subside!. They sleep at  midnight, wake up late and take frequent naps in between.  And here is the absolute winner- even people over 90! are sexually active!!
So the logical conclusion that scientists have drawn from the facts is-  SEX+SLEEP=LONG LIFE!!
In short, their analysis has 9 factors which are believed to be the secrets to a long and health life...
1.stop eating when you are about 80% full
2.Eat more veggies, less protein/processed foods
3.drink red wine in moderation!
4.have a sense of purpose in life
5. maintain a spiritual and belief system
6.Work less*** slow down and take vacations
7.make physical movement a vital part of life
8. have a healthy social network- in fact, having at least 2 good friends is suppose to add years to your life
9. make family a priority.

Eleven Men and One Ball

What is it about men and football! This obsession amongst our men folk has baffled me! I used to subscibe to the traditional women's contention- "What fun is it watching 11 grown up men run after 1 ball!!"
That was till last sunday. 
My husband is a complete football fanatic!- that is a gross understatement actually.. in fact i think he is possessed slave of the gods of football! His loyalties are to Arsenal- for me, a nicely named team of red-shirted players with a coach whose name has an umbilical cord like connection to the team name!(Arsene W). 
Anyway, there was this FA cup semifinal on TV this sunday between Arsenal and Chelsea. We have an unspoken and unwritten agreement when it comes to football matches- he gets to watch all his Arsenal matches at whatever times without a fight for the remote as long as I get to watch whatever I want at othertimes. But this sunday i wasn't exactly happy about surrendering my powers on the remote. Still a promise made, is a promise kept. So i sat there, rather gruppily, slouched on the sofa.. forced into watching the match, for i had nothing else to do. 
Now i have never actually watched a football match from start to finish.. But this time, i was hooked!.. the match was actually captivating especially if have a side to support. It was a duel betwen the strengths of opponents- a test of power and mindplay. The emotions were palpable.One moment, you would cheer for your player when he nears the goal to shoot and the next moment, raise your hands up over a missed oppurtunity. What more, you never have comercials interuppting the play session! like in cricket! Also the commentary is fast-paced, not the usual small talk they make like in cricket.
My husband quickly filled me in on the rules of the game as it rolled on- and come to think of it, when you actually understand the sport, it makes great entertainment!.I guess, i was always in the dark about football, since women don't exactly "play" football in school/college..its regarded as a male sport for the most part. Unlike tennis/hockey/badminton.. women really haven't percolated into football in a big way- part of the reason that women turn their noses up at their partners wanting to catch the match!
Anyway, Arsenal lost the match 1-2, despite my husband swearing by his lucky Arsenal jersey and dribbling an imaginery ball  with his feet, like his gods on TV! But the larger point- it was a great fight to watch.. although Arsenal seemed sloppy at some point.
And for my final message- for all women folk- watch football!..its definitely more entertaining than those ridiculous soap operas or staged reality shows!..In fact Football Rocks!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

SOS from Medicos.. Is anybody listening???

While talking to a set of young freshly passed out batch of medicos who had just completed their MBBS, i could sense their disillusionment with their choice of a career. While their IT schoolmates were earning lumpsums, they were getting peanuts in terms of salary and had to grind their books overtime now if they were aiming for a post graduate seat.I too went through the same emotions at that stage and so did many of my friends. 
There are many problems with the way medical education is imparted in India. When i ask around my medical friends circles, what they would like to change about medical education, i am flooded with a volley of ideas!. Its a pity, no body up there is listening!
Here are a few interesting ideas from people who had "been there. done that"...
  • Many doctors agree that 5and a 1/2 year course (invariably 6!) for MBBS is a waste of time.(Now there is even talk of another year- for a rural posting!). The entire course can be cut short by at least a year- taking off 6 months in 2nd year (Patho/Phrm/MicrB/FM) and another 6months in 3rd year (ENT/Ohpl/SPM). Even the truncated 4 and 1/2 year would drag on for 5 years.. taking the slow rate of admissions to the courses and examination schedules!
  • In fact most doctors feel direct MD degree (maybe then the 5 and 1/2 year course is warrented!) is the need of the hour rather than a preliminary MBBS degree. This will reduce the burden on students preparing for MD entrances.
  • Diplomas must be abolished and all degrees must be given as Masters only. It will save the poor diploma holder the discrimination he/she will face in the job front.
  • After MD medicos must be encouraged to work  and gain in experience rather than slogging it off in college libraries over entrances!. Why don't we have Campus placements in medicine? Hospitals must hire on campus. The salary and perks must be on par with any fresh graduate from a professional stream which is sadly lacking here.
  • Personally Im one for rural medical service. But with the pathetic state of health centers in the periphery, I don't think freshly passed out medicos are the best answer to improving health care in rural areas. And making it compulsory for them in order to obtain their degrees, amounts to exploitation! Instead the service should be voluntary with incentives greater than what one can expect in the cities- like a sponsered fellowship program at the end of 2 years of rural service. Also, these facilities must be linked up by telemedicine units to a head hospital where all experts reside- so that speacialized consltation can be availed of when needed.  Needless to say, PHCs (Primary health centers) must be transformed on the lines of well equipped mini-nursing homes!.
  • Spealization is a must nowadays with the explosion of information, leaving no single individual a master of the whole of medicine. Specialization courses must be need based- there is no point having umpteen number of seats for say OBG, if the jobs are already saturated. Yes, we have a dismal doctor to population ratio in India, but part of the reason is poor dispersion of healthcare to all areas. And of course, the number of seats per field must be updated on a regular basis.
  • Now the biggest hurdle that a medico needs to cross is the entrance exams for getting INTO a post graduate course. Why is this so tough? Because the number of MBBS seats far out number the number of MD seats. So in effect, its a rat race out there!. Well there are 2 solutions for this-1. The logical solution would be to increase the number of post graduate seats within the limits of the need based approach, in propotion to the MBBS seats (because everyone needs to speacialize in medicine in the future!)-this will ensure that everyone gets a post graduate seat but still leaves the rat race open to choices of seat. so the other solution is 2. Scrap the entrances as a whole. Follow a fellowship pattern for speacializtion. Allow the doctor to work in an institute with that speacialization for a minimum period of time .. say 3 years.. and then test is/her acumen at the end of the period both theoretically and practically (includes monitored surgeries!) before awarding him/her the degree. If the institute traing is on par with the degree requirements, the candidate is sure to pass.. if not he/she should be asked to reappear for the test. (no need to regulate the number persons in training for that spealization.
  • Do you have any suggestions to improve the medical education in this country? Fill me in!

Debate the Future

Looks like I can get over writing about news and news channels!.. but .. hey!.. for someone sitting at home all day.. thats a major part of my life (read: i have a pathetic life!)..
Anyway.. was watching this debate on TV yesterday.. which had three speakers.. one each from the Congress, Left and BJP. And as expected the debate hardly touched on the core issues and challenges we faced these days. The Congress spokesperson called the BJP a "divisive party that will spread hatred amongst society" and the BJP retaliated by calling the Congress "pseudo secular"! And likewise they traded shots on terrorism and internal security. When BJP brought out  the mumbai attack story.. the congress harped on the Kandahar issue. Needless to say, the Leftist speaker was hardly given any soundbytes!.. expect ocasionally to play third umpire or showcase his neutrality on the issue. 
It depressing to watch quality TV time being wasted away in child-like fights. When are our leaders going to realize that people couldn't care less if Sonia Gandhi is of foreign origins or whether Varun Gandhi's speech tapes were doctored or not or if we have a dual power center in our country's top brass !.. All we want is RESULTS !.. not inflated promises/ harebrain schemes/ nonsencical debates.
Why do our politicians only talk the language of the past? Why don't they talk about the FUTURE? What are their plans for reform of the economy/police force/ electoral process? How do they intend to improve literacy and health status of the population? Why don't we have 2 leaders face off over these issues ? Let us hear what ideas they have to bring about these changes? And they should not get away by making empty schemes that are both impractical and expensive (eg. Rs 2/kg rice). They should be grilled into how they intend to finance their schemes also.
The media for the large part is allowing the politicians to get away with loose talk when it can play a larger role. Even on bigwig media channels debates are centered on absolute bull shit!
I was mildly apeased when Rahul Gandhi in a press conferance brought out this fact- "forget the past. lets talk about the future" he said. But on the same day, his own party spokesperson went on about "we did this-this-this when we were in government, now the BJP when in government did that-that-that.. so since "that" is worse than "this".. congress is right and BJP is all crap... blah blah blah..." God save this nation!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Shoegate Scandals

Other than the dismal state of the economy, the only other thing people are talking about these days is the General Elections. Its a mammoth exercise extending over one whole month. Its already has had its fair share of controversies, highs and lows. 
With 24 X 7 X 365 news channels, hardly anything goes unreported (although some issues get "over reported" and others "under reported"). From the assets (strictly monetary) of the topmost politicians to the issues that interest the poorest of the poor.. news is buzzing with stories, every second. 
One particular trend, that struck me, well.. distrubing yet necessary in some way, was the rise in "shoegate" scandals!. From the home minister to low key leaders, they have all become victims of "shoe slinging". At one public rally, a 60 year old gentleman, got up from the audience to sling his shoe at the candidate addressing the rally! He missed!.. but not the TV camera- they got the entire shot - priceless footage. So bad is the situation that another popular mass leader refused to speak at a rally, until a huge net was erected in front of the dias!
Well, in a way.. politicains are a victim of their own deeds.. and the public is well within its rights to display some outrage- espeacially since other ways to seek redressals in this country are painfully slow- defeating their purpose. I sure hope politicians will wake up to the fact that people want results not promises.  
I was recently talking to a friend about how my partner is never free to go out for a nice holiday.. to which she instantly replied "Maybe you should have a staycation!". "A WHAT?"-I asked her. "Staycations" she promptly informed me were the alternative to expensive holidays in these times of recession, where the family has a vacation in their own city-which invariably is not well visited by the residents of the city in comparision to tourists.
Hmm!..curious to know more such "recession-genic" words.. i did an online search.. and came up with some suprising findings!..

In-sourcing: when workers float through different departments in lieu of temps.

BBR: buy, burn, and return. Buying DVDs or software from a store, burning them, and then returning them for a refund.

Intaxication: euphoria when receiving a tax refund.

Wii bum: a person who has no Wii of their own, so goes over to others' houses largely to play their Wii for free.
Sellsumer: a consumer/entrepreneur who hawks insights and ideas to corporations to help sales.
TALF’d: Tricked into believing something big is going to happen when it doesn’t.

Ponzimonium: describes the recent spike in mini-Madoffs.
Furcation: an unpaid, forced holiday.
Shovel-ready: local infrastructure “ready to go” projects waiting for stimulus money.
Duppie: a downwordly-mobile urban professional. 
Renoviction: when a landlord moves a tenant out during renovations and then jacks up the rent.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Gift A Peace Tree

There are many paths up the Mountain, but the view of the moon from the top is the same.-Old Japanese Proverb

The essence of the saying is with reference to the different religions of the world and the common thread that binds them. I couldn't agree more with this aptly put proverb. 
News, these days underlines the growing intolerance among people for people of different religions/races/castes. Wars of the world have polarised the nations on religious grounds. We now live in fear- wondering when the next terror attack is going to strike us, when the machinery of countries will breakdown in disarray, and when , if ever, our children can enjoy the peace that once lived in our society.
Frankly speaking, it seems like mankind is regressing in his "warring purposes". If wars in history were fought for land and power, wars nowdays are fought for religious dominance!..utterly regressive! especially when the whole concept of religion is a personal preference!
I recently can across an initiative called the "peace tree", that intends to bind people without the "blinding" of religion. Its based on a film where 2 little girls of 2 different religions strive to celebrate each others' festivals. 
They have a interesting website at
The whole thought process behind this initiative is commendable. They have a peacetree day - celebrated on June 1st- the purpose of which is stated as
"To create a common festival where families and friends from all faiths and races can learn about and celebrate each other’s cultures, traditions and festivals together. The concept of Peace Tree Day is to educate, donate and celebrate diversi
They even encourage children to make their own "peace tree" and give you loads of suggestions on how to go about doing it at
I wish we can carry the ideals behind this project to every child on earth. At least, our children will learn to respect diversity as it exsits. 
I also think men and women who divide society on religious grounds should be introduced to this noble concept. For one, may be the next time one of our leaders sprews the "venom of religious intolerance", their should be a mass uprising to "nip it in the bud" a campaign to "gift a peacetree".. on the lines of the famous "pink chadi" campaign. Hmm.. thats food for thought! 

Let us embrace the beauty of every culture and faith to create peace in our world.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Kitchen Cabinet Cures

Remember the time when we were kids.. we always had grandmoms and moms fussing over us when we got a cold or loose motions or whatever..they always seem to have a cure for everything.. in their kitchens!. If you happened just to sneeze.. thats it.. they would rush off to the kitchen and cook up some concotion.. that what barely palatable.. but voila!.. it worked!
As adults, we never get those privileges. Now we wait 2-3 days (just like that.. doing nothing) for the cold to disappear.. then if it doesn't go away as scheduled.. pop in some OTC(over-the-counter) cold tablet.. wait.. wait.. fill the wastebasket to the rim with dirty tissues .. and then..finally.. heave a sigh of relief when it does go away.
Ever wondered what that good ole' home remedy contained..? that secret recipe passed down from mothers who got them from their mother's mothers' etc..?
Well in an effort to preserve these "kitchen cabinet cures" before they get lost forever.. i collected some and listed it down here for all to see.. here goes..
  • Got a nasty cold?.. fret not..drink hot ginger tea every 2 hours.Or sample some hot veg/chicken soup (with extra pepper and ginger flakes). Hot milk with honey/ginger/pepper/turmeric also works well.
  • Sore throat?... try salt water gargles and hot milk with turmeric.. works like magic.
  • Boils bothering you?..make a paste of atta (wheat four) and milk and apply it regularly. Also, use a hot iron  on a hanky and press the hanky on the boil (the heat dissolves the boil).
  • Loose motions?.. make a paste of poppy seeds and sugar and swallow it (don't try tasting it!).
  • Burnt yourself while cooking a meal? a raw potato peel on the burn.
  • Wound /cuuts?..apply haldi (turmeric powder).
  • Burping troubles/ Excess Gas?..try a mixture of saunf (fenel), rock salt and jeera in water. also massage the abdomen and apply a hot water bottle to the area.
  • Acidity?.. time tested recipe- buttermilk; also..banana.
  • Had a meal that you suspect will make you throw up soon?.. no problem .. chew on some cardamon pods.. my mom swears by this.. she carries a box a cardamons on every trip.
  • Cramps?.. Place the affected part on a iron/steel object!.. I really don't know how this works .. but it does// try it yourself..
  • Hives?.. rub a brass ashtray on the part (as bizzare as it sounds it works!).. also kokum water.. applied on the part.
  • Joint Pains?.. mash freshly cooked hot rice into a poultice and massage on the part.(superficial moist heat therapy).
  • Toothache?.. dip a cotton ball into clove oil and apply on the part (only on the affected part). Also alum works just as well.
  • Prickly heat?.. sandalwood paste in milk works llike magic.
  • And this really tops my list of bizzare home remedies..a juice made of maize leaves can cure kidney stones!.. and my aunt swears by it!. and so do some doctors too!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Funniest Diary Ever!

Im not a major fiction fan..although an avid reader, I prefer periodicals and non-fiction paperbacks to reading a novel.. . so if I'm recommending a storybook.. it must really be special. Recently, while visiting my local lending-library, i came across the book "Bridget Jones Diary". Having seen the movie, I reluctantly picked it up and flipped through a few pages. Hmm.. it seemed interesting enough.. so i brought it home to read. And I landed up reading it cover to cover, without a break, laughing to my self, all the way. It was simply hilarious!. Every woman (and man) must read this masterpiece of comical writings. It is written like a diary.. as the name goes.. each day's entry starts off with her weight/no of ciggis she's had/ no of glasses of alcohol she's consumed/ and her remarks about the same!. I think every woman can identify (at least in part) with BJ's life- her mistakes in love, her obsession with her appearence/weight, her friends and their advices, her parents and their concerns and most of all her never-dying resolution to change (for the better!). Badly need a laugh?? Get you hands on this book!

The One Line Economics Lesson

Captilism makes people unequally rich; Communism makes people equally poor!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Change your attitude

There is so much agitation in the west about jobs being "off-shored" to countries like India. It is "the" phenomenon being blamed for the job losses, a situation made worse by the recession. Its so bad that when someone loses there job to outsourcing- its called " he's been bangalored!". In the wake of the crises, President Obama plans to bring in more "protectist"measures. (rising economic vocabulary- sign of the times!).And India has pledged to do all it can to ensure its outsourced work stations (read: call centers) are safe guarded from job losses!.
What a world we live in!.. 
Each one for his own, shaping their economic destiny. 
Anyway, just wanted to share with you guys some thing i just read- from a letter written by a manager of a MNC to his employees regarding the outsourcing crises.
"....Change is hard.Change is hardest on those caught by suprise. Change is hardest on those who have difficulty changing too. But change is natural; change is not new; change is important.....Work gets done where it can be done most effectively and is time to think about the obligations of change as well as the oppurtunities in it...'

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Changing Face of Indian cinema: My Must See Movie List

In recent times I have come across a number of really good Indian movies- a suprising change from the usual song-dance-action routine. These films are more in tune with the times- realistic, low budget and refreshing. Technically too these movies are up to the mark in most instances. 
One of my present favourites is a telugu movie called "Happy Days". Its a college romance story.. but thats where the similarity to the usual masala potboilers ends. Its superbly made.. simple yet appealling. Its a definite must see for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. As for me, I have seen it 10 times already and till counting
Shekar Kamulla, the director of Happy Days, is quite obviously the brain behind the film- as the entire movie is steered by its direction. His earlier movie "Godavari" is also just as brilliant and is also a definite must-watch.
Another must see in my list is "A Wednesday" starring Naseruddin Shah and Anupam Kher in probably their best performances to date. Although somewhat predictable, its central theame is innovative. Another movie with a similar theame is " Aamir"- also a good flick. Although, made with sincerity that shows in the performances, its not quite in the same league as "A Wednesday". Naseruddin Shah gave us another stellar performance last year with "Parzania"- a moving story in the background of the Gujarat riots of 2002. More than the story, the movie brings into focus the horror of the riots like it has never been seen before- leaving you wondering how such deplorable acts can be carried out in this age!
A Pakistani movie "Khuda Ke Liye" is another reminder of the turbulent times we live in- where religious extremism and terrorism go hand-in-hand. You have to have patience to get through the slow script, but at the end, its worth it. It leaves you with a better understanding of society as its exists today.
I recently chanced upon a tamil movie-" Vaaranam Aayiram" and was floored by it. With dual acting by the ever perfect Surya and sound track by Harris Jayraj, its a complete entertainer. Even though it is a somewhat song-dance-action movie- its different in a way. 

Friday, April 3, 2009

Design of a Bygone Era

I have always been fascinated by design- art/science/ technology/fashion is full of examples of people striving to "design". Personally, i have a passion for interior designing. But, i love "design" in many forms- paintings, sculptures, architecture, modern technology and even fashion (although i rarely ever dress with the times!). 
I'm not exactly spiritually inclined but i do love visiting ancient temples, primarily for their achitecture. I always tell people- "if i wasn't a doctor, i'd be either a journalist or an architect". Temple architecture is mind-boggling in many ways. One of the temples in India that has left me spell bound is the Brihadeshwara temple in Tanjore, Tamil Nadu. In terms of size and architecture, it is clearly a cut above the rest. Recently i even saw a documentary on the temple on Discovery channel- the serial host was quite obviously awed by the experience. There are  number of interesting facts about this monument.

  • The temple is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Great Living Chola Temples" and has been built in the 11th cetury A.D.
  • The 'Vimana' - or the temple tower - is 216 ft (66 m) high(about 70 meters) and is among the tallest of its kind in the world. The stones that make this mammooth object is believed to have been conveyed to the top by means of a inclined plane commencing from Sarapallam (scaffold-hollow), four miles north-east of the city!
  • Rajaraja Cholan, the Great Chola king built the temple, also known as Big Temple. "In the twenty-fifth year of Rajaraja Cholan (A.D 1009-10) on the 257th day of the year the king handed over the copper pot for the finial at the top of the Vimana". It weighed about 235 lbs., and was overlaid with gold plate of weight of 292.5 Kalanju or nearly 35 lbs. It is believed that its shadow is never cast on the ground!
  • There is a big statue of Nandi (sacred bull), carved out of a single rock, at the entrance measuring about 16 feet long and 13 feet high. The monolithic stone is said to come from the river bed of Narmada- in west India.
  • There is a tradition that the Nandhi is growing in size with the progress of time. It was feared it might become too large for the Mandapam erected over it and a nail was driven into the back of it, and since, its size has remained stationery!!!
  • The entire temple structure is made out of hard granite stones, a material sparsely available in Thanjavur area.
  • The Sivalinga of Sri Brihadisvara is probably the grandest in existence. The tower over the shrine is named Dakshina-Meru after the abode of Lord Shiva at Kailasam, the Uttara-Meru.
  • It is perhaps the only temple in the world which carries an exhaustive documentation ranging over almost a hundred long inscriptions engraved on the walls, pillars and podium, of the comtempory history of the times.
  • The temple also sports a depiction in stone, of eighty one of the one hundred and eight karanas of Bharata Muni's Natya Sastra -  from whence the dance form Bharthnayam originated.
  • The inscriptional data also abound in mention of the jewellery of the period; about sixty-six different types of ornaments and jewellery are listed with all the details.
  • An axial and symmetrical geometry rules the temple layout.
  • It is said that the the wish to build a temple like this is said to have occurred to Raja Raja while he stayed at "eezham" [today's Sri lanka] as a war head. He saw a lot of Buddha statues that were very tall, which would have made him wish to build a great temple to his cordial deity SHIVA.
If you haven't seen Tajore yet, then i'll highly recommend it especially if you are a design fanatic like me!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Best Weekend Breaks

Hampi- the erstwhile Vijayanagar kingdom, now in ruins is a definte must-see for anybody touring India. We left for Hampi in a car from Hubli.Its about a 4 hour drive.. reasonably good roads.. scenic too. We reached Hampi by midday. Since we were planning to return to Hubli by nightfall.. we had only a few hours at our disposal. We bought a guide book.. but the whole place was so vast.. that we didn't know where to start. Our best investment for the trip was a local guide.. who offered us an hour's tour for a mere 100 irresitible offer! This guy was briliant.. took us all around the place.. explaining the significance of this and that.. took our photos (ensuring that both of us figured in all the photos.. instead of i-take-u-u-take-me).  the entire experience left us in awe. One shudders to think how this kingdom must have existed in its times of finery. Brilliant architecture.. especially the dancing hall with "musical pillars" and the imposing idols of worship.
Devbagh Beach- A beach resort on an island off the coast of Karwar..a perfect getaway from the city. We went by bus to Karwar.. from there the tour operators organized a ferry till the island. Is like getting into paradise.. as the boat steers you closer to the island... breathtaking views everywhere!. We stayed in quaint little cottages and cabins. The food was amazing.. cooked by the local chefs.Most of all..the privacy is the best part. The beach is for the most part isolated..letting you soak in the sun (and rain . in our case). Plus we were treated with the works.. Banana boat drive, Beach volleyball..etc..All in all.. Fantabulous!
Gokarna-Temple town on the west coast. This town has its mention in mythology and is sacred to Shivites. It has four beaches..dotted with innumerable resorts. We choose the lesser known Kudle beach to stay.. and we were rewarded with a plush resort, unbelievable privacy, awesome scenery and a number of phoren tourists! The beach was inviting.. and we had a blast. We explored the sleepy town the next day..cant forget the temple street with enterprising pujaris!..
BR Hills- a canopy of a forest atop a hill near the town of Mysore with an organised eco-tourism unit and a wildlife santuary. This place is dense jungle, cut off from the world. surrounded by tribal hamlets and beasts of the wild. We choose the monsoon month of september to visit this place..not the best of decisions if you hate getting wet and dirty as you tred through the forest. The jeep safaris were thrilling as were the night's stay in tents (with no electricity) amidst calls of the wild. 

Monday, March 30, 2009

Elections in the World's largest democracy

Elections 2009.. thats the big news story these days..everyone has taken to election fever. There are  stories of scrupulous leaders brewing hatred between communities, calls for debates between national prime-ministerial candidates- rejected quite expectedly by the incumbant candidate, money spinnning schemes by all parties of astronomical sums, frenzied campaigning and formation of new collaborations between erstwhile enemies. 
The media is having a field day- in these times od recession- i think it is one of the few industries making profits by the hour. However, the standards of journalism are a real disappointment these days.How in the world can a story be aired as "exclusive" on 10 news channels at the same time?  Why does the media devote maximum coverage to the personalities who least deserve it? For instance, the "varun gandhi" saga (I even loathe to say his name)..the media just cant let go of it!. I wonder why we never get to hear discussions about potential policies/new legislation that the different parties are comtemplating? When is the media ever going to put up one on one debates between party spokespersons on "the real issues"- and there are many to that list- electoral reforms/education/reservation/economic policies..? It is always focussed on " peudosecular vs deplorably communal" debates or "is this or that alliance going to make  or break the election?" kinda debates. Unbelieveable!
While the politicians play their games and the media continues with its poor quality- no issues coverage, there are a few heart rendering stories too. I am particularly impressed by the social activism growing in India these days. The new age Indian middle class seems to have woken from its slumber and is taking up cudgels with their leaders. Be it criticizing lameback policies on political blogs (which i regard as the biggest step that the leaders have taken to get closer to their electorate) or starting mass media programs to encourage people to vote (JAGO RE!).. these guys are the new faces of emerging India!.I was suprised to know that.. out the 44% of Indians who are educated and socially well off.. only a meagre propotion vote!..its the uneducated 60% that makes up the bulk of the  attendence at the ballot (which is the opposite of many developed countries like the US). I sincerely hope that this 40% puts up a better show this time around. 
I am also impressed by the emergence of a new breed of professional indepedent candidates around the country..a sign of frustrated souls out to solve the problems of their cities on thier own.
All in all, elections 2009 promises to be quite a showdown. All the opinion polls/ exit polls/ psephological analysis of the results when played out on TV, will have a billion people glued to their TV sets. About a month or so to go..

Sunday, March 29, 2009

From my balcony..

Looks like my good friend has infused me with some poetic spirit..and as i sip my habitual evening coffee.. this is what i can find for inspiration....

From my balcony, I can see,
neem trees gently swaying in the breeze,
black clouds gathering in the skies,
bees and butterflies, as they fly.

A cuckoo "cooes", hidden in the green,
a waddling cow, "mooes" beneath.

Young lads assemble for their evening play,
just as the ladies, group, to gossip for the day,
a vendor strolls by, with his wares,
an uncle parks his car with care,
a jogger comes on his evening run,
noisy toddlers have their fun.

These and more, 
come my way, 
by my balcony,
every other day!

just some of the bustling scences of life,  enacted each day of life...

Onward sister!

Here are a few words penned down by a good friend of mine..

Run ahead, look straight ahead
Feel the breeze stinging your face
All senses programed on the the task ahead...
The thin golden line barely visible.

The sweat dripping down uncomfortably,
Your eyes straining to stay focussed
Your tongue longing for a drop.

You turn around for a seconds glance at the inviting medow.

Keep onward soldier, your prize is awaiting

Just when your lungs almost give way,
The thin golden line begins to materialize

The golden laurel waits patiently as you finally stop to admire!

Hmm...i really like this says a lot about the kind of circumstances she has been through in life..although the "golden laurel" still eludes her.. she has remained focussed on the task ahead..a lot of us were/are skeptical on her attitude.. but she has never succumbed to "giving up".. i really salute her attitude.. and pray "the golden laurel" is  soon hers forever.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Reality bites!

Reality shows.. they are all over TV..and they can become quite a addiction. It took me a while to get a hang for these shows (im always a late starter- be it fashion/techno etc). But of late, outside of the news channels (which in a way are 24 X 7 reality dramas), i've become addicted to them. Be it, the fifth season running MTV Roadies or the ever popular Amazing Race..they make the best watch on TV.You get so involved in the going-ons. The sillier they get.. the more we love them. Of course we snigger at the rules, roll our eyes over the cat-fights, ridicule the quality of some tasks..but in the end.. the show goes on..and the channel is never changed. These guys have learnt the formula for successful TV entertainment. Its much better watching the guy-next-door contestant flex muscle or the average Indian women have their verbal duels (like the many that are played out on the streets everyday) than watch over-dressed, powdered soap queens get melodramatic. And of course, you wonder if all this is in a way a "staged" show, but who cares as long as the idiot box has managed to shell out its weekly dose of "masala" and "masti", giving you a much needed time out from your routine.

Monday, March 23, 2009

An Ode to Coffee

Coffee..its simply irresistable..this tan coloured,slurpy beverage is a need in my life everyday. I prefer to have a piping hot "tumbler" of coffee in the mid afternoon.. after waking up from my power nap (read: siesta)..and i love to have it "south Indian "style..served in a standard sized stainless steel tumbler with a small steel bowl beneath it. My favorite thing about coffee is to watch the froth biuld up as i tranfer it from tumbler to bowl and back. I read somewhere, in order to get maximum froth on your coffee, one must first mix only a little milk into a glass with coffee powder and sugar and stir this vigourously and then only pour the remaining milk/boiling water. It works. Its amazing what100 ml of caffiene can do for you. I dont know if it all in the mind. But it really works..instantly all your fatigue wears feel invigorated with new energy to make a fresh start(especially useful if you have spent your entire morning fruitlessly and want to make amends at mid-noon). I have my coffee slowly (like a seasoned wine taster)..taking in all the smell and flavour..its almost a disappointment when i reach the bottom!.But i keep a strict 1 glass a day policy.. and must wait for the next day afternoon for another period of romance with my favourite drink.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Be more Persuasive

Have you ever had a conversation with someone when you start off saying something and after the course of the conversation land up agreeing to the complete opposite?! Well this is one of my biggest weakness. 
Its not that the other person is being malaciously manipulative.Its just that, i give so much leverage, (so much for being polite), that i often hesitate to say something that might upset the other person. Its a big disadvantage. I think i should talk first and talk more.. maybe that will help. But sometimes we just run into "walled" personalities, who don't want to hear anything to the contary of their opinion, that it becomes difficult to convince them of anything. There are others who selectively choose what is convenient for them, and ignore the rest. These two personalities are the hardest to combat. They are invariably pessimsitic  and moan at every hurdle.
Here's something i read about handling these kinda people..and being more persuasive at a conversation..
  • First do the work of defining what you really want your audience to know. Otherwise you will simply get lost in your words and either give up or come out the other end not knowing what it is you were trying to say.
  • eliminate what is of no importance. Why? Because just as you don't want your key ideas to get lost in details, you certainly don't want them to get lost in elements that have no business being there in the first place.
  • Say what needs to said in minimum number of words.
  • People will listen to you better if you show them what they gain by listening to you.
  • Display logic and give presise will immediately get the attention of others.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Great gift ideas for men

I was recently reading a women's magazine who had done a men's (!) special for the forthnight. It made interesting reading. For a change instead of appealling pictures of beauty products & women's dressing, it featured watches/shirts & boxer shorts(!). Well that got me thinking.. everytime we talk of male accessories/gifts for men.. all we can think of is the usual shirt/trouser/belt/wallet/watch/deo ideas..which is pathetic for our men folk. Hence i embarked on a mission to find innovative yet affordable alternatives.. this is what i came up with...
  1. a massage session at the local spa
  2. a male recipe book with easy-to-do dishes
  3. a backpack for all his camping trips
  4. an all terrain bicycle if he likes cycling, a golf kit if he's into golf 
  5. a bartender's set to mix his drinks
  6. trendy the new polaroid ones
  7. a year's subsciption to his favourite gadget magazine
  8. an all expense paid package to some adventurous little-heard-of destination..treetop living/scuba diving.. the works
  9. tickets to his favourite game/concert
  10. merchandise of his fav team he supports (if he doesnt have it already)

Monday, March 16, 2009

How difficult is it to keep in touch ladies?

Of late im peeved by old friends who dont keep in touch. I have a friend of 14 years (yes 14 years!).. somebody i spent my entire chilhood (and teenage years) with. We spent everyday of those years together-sitting on the terrace and having endless discusssions about our crushes, playing on the streets in front of our houses, going cycling around the colony, watching all the movies that came to town- that all ended when she got married and left with her husband to live on another continent. It was easier for her, i'd say, since at least her world was new and she had a husband for company. For me, I was left all alone without my soul mate to share my woes/joys. Well eventually, as life moves on, you move along, and I left for different places and made new friends.But she was always my special friend- somebody i so proudly used to say to everybody was so like me. I knew she wasnt the sentimental kind and initially it never bothered me that i never got any replies to my mails/ calls. But as time went, it became an increasing frustrating one way communication. Life was full for her- new friends, family and then later even a son. I gave her many chances, taking the busy life of married women into consideration. I would devise innnovative ways to get in touch with her- second and thrid degree common friends.I would wait till the 20th ring of my 5th call till i hung up the phone. But all i got was a once -in-a-blumoon superficial -inquiry -call back. 
Now, i have given up. 
What is it with girls who get married and think that..marriage/family/career..thats their sole mission on hell with old the extent that they begin to avoid all old contacts??..its an emotional draining experience for the poor old friend. I've also noticed that this a predominantly female syndrome.. women never bother to keep in touch with their ol pals.. while the men folk regularly make plans with their childhood buddies.
Its high time women get social with their old friends.. again.

Travelling on the train

Over the past few years, i have been forced to travel to many places across the country, for academic purposes and otherwise. About 60% of the time i have taken the train route. In India, thats the most cost efficient mode of transport we have. I have grown to love train journeys. Its a very satiating experience. 
Looking out of the window, one gets the enduring images of rural and urban India- a farmer ploughing his fields, women stooping over slushy terrain to transplant rice, an occasional mighty river, slum urchins playing in a dirty sewage canal, washerwomen vigourously washing their loads of clothes in the stream-there are many and each one refreshingly different from the prevoius. The most beautiful memories are those of the landscape that stretches beyond what the eye can discern- endless green fields, scores of sunflowers, a lone tree in fields with upturned black soil and sometimes piles of rumble with patches of shrub peeing out between the rocks. Its amazing how the scenery changes within a few miles of travel.
Train journeys are social experiences.One sits hubbled in a tiny chamber with 6 other passengers (sometimes more). Sometimes no conversation ever flows between passengers, but most of the time, there is some communication. There is always a howling kid, an intrusive aunty, an aloof uncle and an elderly couple who give you a share of their food. Some of these aquiantances may move on the become friends.
One always tend to eat more and sleep more on a train journey. Prehaps its the boredom or prehaps its the numerous food sellers that pass under your nose trying to sell their food. No train journey is complete without the cries of "Chai Garma garam Chai" or "masala vada" and like.It hard to resit the whiffs of their savory wares.
Trains are lifelines that criss cross our country to bind the nation. Although divided by classes, each train traveling in this country is a mini-nation in itself, with passengers from all over the country, meeting and interacting. It amazes me to see the sheer volume of people that use the trains everyday. Its no wonder then that the Indian Railways is the largest employer world over.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What Martians need to know about Venusians!

I always have my male friends running to me for advice about "handling girls". Although there are innumerable self-help guides on book shop selves, gender relationships these days are more strained than ever. Well, i may not be an authority on this subject, but there are some things i would like to tell the male bastion out there on how to handle the fairer sex- emotionally, physically and goes..
  1. Never go out with a girl just for the heck of it/because everyone else is doing it/for sex only/because it makes u look more appealling/sensitive to others etc. Trust me guys, 90% of girls are looking for commitment..(even when they say otherwise!) maybe even if u are a "commitment-phobic"type of guy.. ur better off staying away from girls.
  2. Never give ur shoulder to cry on to a girl who has just gotton out of/or is in a bad relationship- unless u are serious of getting into one with her!- because thats when girls are most vunerable and go ga-ga over the first Adonis they meet.
  3. Never reveal bits of ur physically/sexual activities to any common friends (better not to reveal them at all) always messes up a relationship.
  4. Listen, Listen. Listen or at least pretend to!..thats a BIG turn on for girls.. makes them confidant that they have got the guy's attention.
  5. Never go out with a girl who already has a BF, unless ur confidant that u can be a better (not sexually) and longer-lasting BF
  6. Never rush/force sex on ur girl..go slow..go wild.. and always cuddle at the end.. that shows u care about matters beyond sex (even if u dont really)
  7. If ur girl knows more about something than u, dont take it for a insult.. appreciate her for it and self congratualate urself that such a smart girl picked U for her beau..also there will be a zillion other things that u will defintely know more about than her
  8. Let her be free .. dont restrict her/crush her ambitions/be possessive..its amazing how wonderful this can be for ur relationship..if she's truely ur girl..she'll know how to handle the freedom to the advantage of ur relationship..and u'll reap the benefits
  9. Help her with the house work/errands.. a women always love it when the man does things that are traditionally branded as "women's work".. its just like the thrill men get when they see a women fighter pilot.. only women feel no intimidation!
  10. Whenever ur girl asks u "How do i look?" or "Am i looking fat in this?" always give a positive booster first, and then subtlely drop a hint, if u think otherwise (better to forget the hint somethimes) if u dont like the dress say "Its lovely.. makes u look so radiant..but not quite as the one u wore for.. blah ".. or say " u dont look fat..not like  Miss X (who ur wife/GF hates/envies).. u look voluptious.. thats such a turn on!.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Summer of 09

...when u wake up in drenching sweat, (because the power went off and the fan stopped working) 2 hours earlier than ur usual eye-opening time.
 .... when a distinct dry, earthy breeze hits ur face in the morning, reminding u of the seasonal holidays u once enjoyed as a kid for 2 whole months.
  ..when, the excuse "its too hot to do anything", is accepted by all as  a valid reason for not getting the work done.
  ...when its practically impossible to get train tickets 30 days before the expected date of journey.
..when a dozen kids are chirping away beneath your window playing hide-n-seek, while u sulk over ur books.
...when suddenly personal hygiene seems to have become ur biggest priority, as u take 2/3 baths a day, not caring if the water was hot/cold.
...when u down umpteen glasses of water, crusing ur fridge for being a slow water chiller.
..when ur appetite suddenly gets the better of u, and u find ur self craving for food at odd times.
....when u succumb to the pressures of the heat and allow ur self a 3 hour afternoon siesta.
....when u put away the moisturier in favour of the sunscreen.
....when u resolve to learn least this summer!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Go Green like Miss A

i have a friend- a certain miss A-i've got to say this girl is a complete "go green" freak..she hates plastic, carrys a jute bag where ever she goes (complete with a mini water bottle in it), walks more than drives, uses public transport to get around etc.. u get the picture, dont u? it any suprise that she is a qualified Zoologist! -she's ur WWF (not the wrestling but the less popular wildlife fund)  stuff.. the complete wildlife conservation thing.. wonders if this "go green" campaign is just a hyped warming?is there a distinct possibility that one day (not so far away) that the mega city of mumbai will possibly be submerged?.. sounds improbable nah?
well i used to a non believer..scoffing at the prospects of the "great flood"..(biblical more than scientific, i used to say).. but in reality "the truth is out there"
looking around i can no longer find the greenery that once enveloped our cities, the lakes are drying up, the kids have no place to play (remember those empty streets/sites that were our playgrounds.. where r they now?), traffic has overgrown our roads in monumental propotions bringing with it the smoke/fumes to irritate our lungs.. the list is endless.
we may never be able to give our children the same wonderful environment in which we had grown up in..the damage is irrepairable.. but we can do our little bit from deteriorating miss A..cheers babe!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Small town perks

living in 2 small towns over the last 4 years, after being born and brought up in a metropolis, has been a rather interesting experience for me. yes, initially there was the "reverse" culture shock and "metro-craving"..but as time goes by..the small-town thing began to grow on me. some of the best things i like about my "2-tier-city" life --
  • it barely takes 15 minutes to the railway station/airport/bus stand/where ever and back..thats something u'll NEVER get in a metro
  • there is less traffic..less traffic signals..less traffic police.. less of a mess
  • u can actually get movie tickets for a new flick on a weekend by going 20 minutes before the show! for 1/3rd the price of a multiplex!
  • the air is cleaner and grass is greener n u can see the constellations in the night's sky lying on the terrace 
but on the flipside...
  • night life..everything closes by 9.. finding a place to eat when u get down from a late night train can be close to impossible
  • hardly anything ever events.. no concerts..nothing outside of movies to entertain oneself..

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Words of Change

its amazing how many words/phrases we are bombarded with every day. some new, some old. some in a unfamiliar tongue. i like the way new words/phrases come our way along with the are some of them doing the buzz nowadays..
  • Non state actors- term used by pak to refer to all the terrorist elements in their land, very convieniently!
  • Recessionista- a fashion freak wearing budget wear in these times of "economic meltdown"
  • Slum tourism- what Dharavi slum dwellers are offering to all the foreign tourists visting the "sets" of Slumdog Millionaire
  • Terror tourism- infamously propagated by the RGV of bollywood
  • Conscription- compulsory military training for all youth.. after 26/11..on every news read
and here are some of the most overused words today-
  • Change!
  • Recession/Economic meltdown/Financial crises///
  • Terrorism/Cross-border terrorism//
  • Pink slips!
  • Breaking news/Flash/Developing story///

Monday, February 23, 2009

Smile pinki smile ..

I dont know how many of you have heard of the documentary "Smile Pinki" that won best documentary at the Oscars this year. Its about a young girl with cleft lip, who was ostracized by society, till a few good doctors corrected her deformity, bringing back the smile on her face. Well, i read bout this little known story, some time back, in the magazine "People" (of course, today its all over the news- now that its won an Oscar!). Must say, at the face of it, the magazine looked like just another "Page3 news issue".. but reading into it.. it actually had talked bout some  unsung heroes, some amazing incidents that never feature in 24 hr news channels, to say.. im now addicted to it.Read every issue that comes my way. For instance, there was this news story on a young medico from pune, who went to help in the Bihar flood disaster and in the process, got struck by lightening in a freak accident. It really moved me.In an age when all medicos can think of is moving up the academic ladder, this guy had to be special to have gone as far as Bihar to help out! sure there are many more such people..and i hope "PEOPLE" finds them and tells the world their stories. so people, get ur hands on the "people" magazine when u have the time..its worth it!

Taking baby steps

So finally, here i am. After looking at 10 templates. changing fonts and background colors, im now settling down for the real baby steps in blogging. "baby steps"..know where i heard that term today?..on TV..Frieda Pinto..describing her experiences of stardum as "her first baby steps"; must say.. frieda was taking her "baby steps" while, Danny Bolye was "jumping" on the stage like he was on a trampoline and  AR Rahman "leapt" into history books. Man!... im a proud Indian today..(i know ur thinking- whats with these Indians?.. they associate everything with nationalism!..but sorry man.. thats how we've been brought up!). Ive seen the movie"Slumdog Millionaire"..yes u guessed in.. on a pirated CD(what else to do.. when the movie doesnt release in India after all the hype!).. and i wasnt "floored" by it... yes thats right.. i wasnt "too" impressed!.. not taking anything away from the movie.. it was a great watch.. never boring..always keeping u engaged.. but its not the "best" ive seen..and as for the music.. great but again not Rahman's "best". there have been bigger and better films( in India) ive seen .. and more melodious tunes of Rahman ive heard..too bad they never get recognized..but may be someday they will be..Anyway till then "jai ho" Rahman!..u make me so proud to be Indian!

I believe in..

My photo
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than the ones you did.So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Let the trade winds in. Explore. Dream. Enjoy."