Sunday, April 19, 2009

Debate the Future

Looks like I can get over writing about news and news channels!.. but .. hey!.. for someone sitting at home all day.. thats a major part of my life (read: i have a pathetic life!)..
Anyway.. was watching this debate on TV yesterday.. which had three speakers.. one each from the Congress, Left and BJP. And as expected the debate hardly touched on the core issues and challenges we faced these days. The Congress spokesperson called the BJP a "divisive party that will spread hatred amongst society" and the BJP retaliated by calling the Congress "pseudo secular"! And likewise they traded shots on terrorism and internal security. When BJP brought out  the mumbai attack story.. the congress harped on the Kandahar issue. Needless to say, the Leftist speaker was hardly given any soundbytes!.. expect ocasionally to play third umpire or showcase his neutrality on the issue. 
It depressing to watch quality TV time being wasted away in child-like fights. When are our leaders going to realize that people couldn't care less if Sonia Gandhi is of foreign origins or whether Varun Gandhi's speech tapes were doctored or not or if we have a dual power center in our country's top brass !.. All we want is RESULTS !.. not inflated promises/ harebrain schemes/ nonsencical debates.
Why do our politicians only talk the language of the past? Why don't they talk about the FUTURE? What are their plans for reform of the economy/police force/ electoral process? How do they intend to improve literacy and health status of the population? Why don't we have 2 leaders face off over these issues ? Let us hear what ideas they have to bring about these changes? And they should not get away by making empty schemes that are both impractical and expensive (eg. Rs 2/kg rice). They should be grilled into how they intend to finance their schemes also.
The media for the large part is allowing the politicians to get away with loose talk when it can play a larger role. Even on bigwig media channels debates are centered on absolute bull shit!
I was mildly apeased when Rahul Gandhi in a press conferance brought out this fact- "forget the past. lets talk about the future" he said. But on the same day, his own party spokesperson went on about "we did this-this-this when we were in government, now the BJP when in government did that-that-that.. so since "that" is worse than "this".. congress is right and BJP is all crap... blah blah blah..." God save this nation!

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