Saturday, April 18, 2009

Shoegate Scandals

Other than the dismal state of the economy, the only other thing people are talking about these days is the General Elections. Its a mammoth exercise extending over one whole month. Its already has had its fair share of controversies, highs and lows. 
With 24 X 7 X 365 news channels, hardly anything goes unreported (although some issues get "over reported" and others "under reported"). From the assets (strictly monetary) of the topmost politicians to the issues that interest the poorest of the poor.. news is buzzing with stories, every second. 
One particular trend, that struck me, well.. distrubing yet necessary in some way, was the rise in "shoegate" scandals!. From the home minister to low key leaders, they have all become victims of "shoe slinging". At one public rally, a 60 year old gentleman, got up from the audience to sling his shoe at the candidate addressing the rally! He missed!.. but not the TV camera- they got the entire shot - priceless footage. So bad is the situation that another popular mass leader refused to speak at a rally, until a huge net was erected in front of the dias!
Well, in a way.. politicains are a victim of their own deeds.. and the public is well within its rights to display some outrage- espeacially since other ways to seek redressals in this country are painfully slow- defeating their purpose. I sure hope politicians will wake up to the fact that people want results not promises.  

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