Friday, April 10, 2009

Gift A Peace Tree

There are many paths up the Mountain, but the view of the moon from the top is the same.-Old Japanese Proverb

The essence of the saying is with reference to the different religions of the world and the common thread that binds them. I couldn't agree more with this aptly put proverb. 
News, these days underlines the growing intolerance among people for people of different religions/races/castes. Wars of the world have polarised the nations on religious grounds. We now live in fear- wondering when the next terror attack is going to strike us, when the machinery of countries will breakdown in disarray, and when , if ever, our children can enjoy the peace that once lived in our society.
Frankly speaking, it seems like mankind is regressing in his "warring purposes". If wars in history were fought for land and power, wars nowdays are fought for religious dominance!..utterly regressive! especially when the whole concept of religion is a personal preference!
I recently can across an initiative called the "peace tree", that intends to bind people without the "blinding" of religion. Its based on a film where 2 little girls of 2 different religions strive to celebrate each others' festivals. 
They have a interesting website at
The whole thought process behind this initiative is commendable. They have a peacetree day - celebrated on June 1st- the purpose of which is stated as
"To create a common festival where families and friends from all faiths and races can learn about and celebrate each other’s cultures, traditions and festivals together. The concept of Peace Tree Day is to educate, donate and celebrate diversi
They even encourage children to make their own "peace tree" and give you loads of suggestions on how to go about doing it at
I wish we can carry the ideals behind this project to every child on earth. At least, our children will learn to respect diversity as it exsits. 
I also think men and women who divide society on religious grounds should be introduced to this noble concept. For one, may be the next time one of our leaders sprews the "venom of religious intolerance", their should be a mass uprising to "nip it in the bud" a campaign to "gift a peacetree".. on the lines of the famous "pink chadi" campaign. Hmm.. thats food for thought! 

Let us embrace the beauty of every culture and faith to create peace in our world.

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